
WP Built 68RFE Torque Converters Coming Soon

WP Development's announces their own line of high performance 68RFE torque converters.
WP Built 68RFE Torque Converters Coming Soon

WP Development's never ending pursuit for 68RFE perfection continues with the announcement of their own line of high performance 68RFE torque converters. After solving many factory issues and racing complications WPD has conquered the 68RFE transmission platform. Their intense dedication 68RFE research and development and their willingness for trial and error track testing on their very own vehicles has led to world record track times and high horsepower milestones. WPD now brings that same dedication and commitment to the 68RFE torque converter platform.

WPD is currently building and testing 68RFE torque converters in their Indiana based facility. These converters will be available for purchase for high performance use in the very near future.

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